Our Services 1 — Laser Aviation | 3D Laser Scanning Services
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3D Laser Scanning Services for the Aerospace Industry


Every imaging project is unique.

That’s why the ability to envision and model the end product and understand how the client will utilize the gathered data requires a seasoned laser scanning field engineer.

At Laser Aviation, our qualified, expert operators have the ability to strategize and implement precise scan directives once deployed to the field, while utilizing their resources and vast experience to develop solutions for problems that inevitably arise on the project.


Aircraft Mapping Process (AMP)

Laser Aviation’s 3D mapping process utilizes a laser scanner to collect data and generate as many as ten-million registered measurement points within minutes. Our aircraft scans are referenced and created utilizing the waterline, butt, and station lines references (the coordinate system). 

Once post processing has been completed, the files are provided to the client in any number of file formats to meet their exact requirements, whether it's a solid model or the point cloud.

3D Illustrated Parts Cataloging (IPC)

Our innovative approach to cataloging aircraft parts is unique and highly useful to all major aircraft manufacturers (OEMs), line maintenance providers, and MROs. Through the use of 3D digital files, information can be exchanged accurately and efficiently between OEMs and end-users.

Laser Aviation is developing this solution to create a worldwide cloud-based parts catalog for commercial, military, and general aviation aircraft. Laser Aviation will approach the OEMs with our software product for applications to be applied on new and existing models.

Product Development

If a 3D model exists of the aircraft or aircraft component, we can reproduce the part in question with the precision of the original design all in a 2D drawing. From the 3D model we are then able to reproduce the part using additive manufacturing (3D printing) or, if appropriate, machine the part via more traditional methods. This is especially helpful for legacy aircraft, rare aircraft restorations or one-of-a-kind applications.

Virtual Aircraft Surveying

In the photos on the left, we are scanning parts in support of engineering which is developing “Digital Data Packages” for the reproduction of certain components of the T-38.

Laser Aviation captures and shares the "as is” condition of an aircraft’s physical state as if you were standing in or near the aircraft, and can provide the vantage point from any position. Without traveling halfway around the world to inspect your aircraft, you can check configurations and access them virtually on demand. 

Furthermore, we can provide a virtual survey for your aircraft with or without its documentation, which can be shared easily with other potential clients that you couldn't previously reach.


At Laser Aviation, we’re passionate about providing access to high-quality training and education about 3D laser scanning technology.

OEM system-specific training, such as avionics, flight controls, engines, environmental and entertainment troubleshooting techniques can all be offered through this system, as well as aircraft specific training to include system level detail.

Via head-mounted displays (HMD) or other immersive media that’s employed in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) forms, and mixed reality (MR), one or more aircraft maintenance trainees can be accommodated within the same environment. Choose to access the materials via the internet and significantly reduce time away from the hangar floor, or opt for in-person local training in AR and/or VR, which meets requirements for recurrent training by the FAA and supplemented by OEM advanced electronic interface.